Your support is an essential part of ensuring our students' success.
Tax-deductibe donations to Bright Futures Fund help to support our mission of offering great Catholic education to those who want it. As our organization is underwritten by the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph, this allows us to see that every dollar raised in donations goes directly to our schools and our students.
With the addition of our MOScholars Scholarship program, not only are we able to provide even more funds to families and students in need; but contributors to the program can reserve tax credits, equal to 100% of an eligible contribution.
With the addition of our MOScholars Scholarship program, not only are we able to provide even more funds to families and students in need; but contributors to the program can reserve tax credits, equal to 100% of an eligible contribution.
Please note that paying for MOScholars Tax Credits must be through either check (mailed to our offices) or via wire. Please call or email for more information.
Christy Gruenbaum, Development Coordinator | MOScholars
816-714-2338 | [email protected]
Christy Gruenbaum, Development Coordinator | MOScholars
816-714-2338 | [email protected]
Show your support with a gift of assets?
IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) |
Appreciated Securities Donations |
If you can live without using withdrawals from your IRA, an IRA gift is one of the smartest ways to make a real impact. An IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is excluded from taxable income so there is no need to itemize to benefit. Although beginning in 2020, required minimum distributions (RMD) do not have to be taken until you turn 72, you still can make Qualified Charitable Distributions at 70 ½. You can give up to $100,000 from a traditional (not ROTH) IRA directly to the charity.
Donating shares of publicly traded appreciated stock or mutual funds can be both a meaningful gift and see the tax benefits make it less costly than a comparable cash gift. Capital gains tax is not assessed. Plus, for a security held for more than 12 months, the fair market value of the gift is deductible if you exceed the threshold for deductions. Values up to 30% of your adjusted gross income are eligible for deduction and can be carried over for up to five years.
If you are interested, please be sure to include the completed paperwork at the appropriate links above.
Your one-time donation could provide...
$10Provides snacks for a week to a preschool class
$50Secures lunch for a student every day for
a month |
$150English language software for an ELL student ensuring they learn Elnglish
$500Pay for a family's student registration
Catholic Education for Everyone"Demographics should not determine destiny."
- Nicole Stelle Garnett, Professor of Law - University of Notre Dame Your tax-deductible gift goes to supporting our students at Bright Futures Fund.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for considering helping to allow our students to obtain a high-quality Catholic education. Your support will help continue a legacy of over 30 years that has provided over 30,000 scholarships, helped over 15,000 families, and invested over $76 million dollars in the future of our faith and out children.